How to use jupyter notebook in windows?

Jupyter Notebooks are a powerful way to write and iterate on your Python code for data analysis. Rather than writing and re-writing an entire program, you can write lines of code and run them one at a time. Then, if you need to make a change, you can go back and make your edit and rerun the program again, all in the same window.Jupyter Notebook is built off of IPython, an interactive way of running Python code in the terminal using the REPL model (Read-Eval-Print-Loop). The IPython Kernel runs the computations and communicates with the Jupyter Notebook front-end interface. It also allows Jupyter Notebook to support multiple languages. Jupyter Notebooks extend IPython through additional features, like storing your code and output and allowing you to keep markdown notes.

Notebooks are created at the top-level. Inside of that directory are several subdirectories with corresponding notebooks. When you open one of these notebooks in the Notebook Interface, it appears as if the notebook were locally on your computer. You can edit the code, save it as a new notebook, or view the resulting document by the default (default) notebook name.

The current directory is set as the starting directory for all newly created notebooks. To change this directory, go to the top-level folder you created and change directory to the directory you want. Then, type cd to move the current directory to that directory. For example, if you wanted to create a folder called N/I inside the current directory, you would do:

cd [current directory]/N/I

If you want to edit files in a previously created notebook, open it in the Jupyter Notebook Interface and press Alt + Enter to navigate into the subdirectory. A file that is on that subdirectory will be displayed as the new name for that file.

Note: Unlike other file managers like the Terminal, you do not need to set the path to a new folder to view/edit files in a notebook. To view or edit files in a previously created notebook, type in the following simple command: cd To view or edit files in a notebook in the Notebook Interface, use Ctrl + Shift + c: Ctrl + Shift + cThe following paragraphs describe how to use Jupyter Notebooks. Here is a demonstration of using Jupyter Notebooks to create a simple spreadsheet to help me know how many people should follow a policy.Jupyter Notebooks are a powerful way to write and iterate on your Python code for data analysis. Rather than writing and re-writing an entire program, you can write lines of code and run them one at a time. Then, if you need to make a change, you can go back and make your edit and rerun the program again, all in the same window.An IPython kernel is a Python script that runs commands at the top-level of a Jup

Be sure to click All Projects to view the projects in your Jupyter Notebook, and All Users to view everyone on your system.

Read Code

Now you need to open a file in your notebook and execute your code. Go back to the Documents menu and select Read Code.

Read code is a dynamic interface that will execute your code for you and parse it for common errors.

Many languages are supported with Read Code. Many common languages include:

  • Python
  • Jupyter
  • R
  • C++
  • Java
  • Go
  • Scala
  • Ruby
  • C#

…and many more

It is helpful to go through the documentation for the language that you use to ensure that you are following the conventions and best practices.

To read the code of a file, open the file and click on the Run button. You can only run the code that is in the file itself. The function that you call from your Python code must be inlined. Therefore, if you don’t want to execute the Python code in the notebook at all, use Python’s import keyword.

To see all of your code, click on All Jupyter Notebooks to display a list of the notebooks in your Jupyter Notebook.

To edit a code snippet, find the snippet you want and click it to open it in a new tab. You can also use the ⌘F (Find All) shortcut to locate code snippets.

Finally, you can send the code to the running program or to the original source file by clicking Add to Jupyter Notebook.


There are many ways to run your Python code inside of a R session. The simplest is to open the program with Rstudio or just run the code from the command line.

Rgui allows you to run R code within R as well as integrate your R script with the rest of your notebook so that you can run code at the REPL interface. To use the GUI, download the Rgui example and run the example as usual (without quotes):

To open the Rgui on your system, choose Help – Options – View Rgui. The script and R environment (packages, compilers, executables, and resources) can be accessed with r. Clicking the Run button runs the script directly, or in the graphical environment, it can be launched from the project-level menu. When you choose the Run button in the GUI, the script is executed from the current directory. You can either browse to the code that you want to run in the code browser, or select the appropriate file from the list that appears in the directory view. You can also drag-and-drop the code or the program between files and execute it. Be aware that if you drag a code snippet from one file to another, R will interpret it as if you were typing it manually, without attaching special syntax highlighting. For example, try running the following code snippet in a notebook: code( “m=30:8:4.3”) This will make you type a string like $m=30:8:4.3 without any highlighted code highlighting. More sophisticated code examples can be generated using the Rcpp or R Markdown code editors. To launch Rcpp or R Markdown code, choose Help – Options –