high-level professional training in Data Science

École Polytechnique Executive Education offers two professional training programs in Data Science and AI. Find out everything you need to know about these programs, which enable you to develop the skills expected by companies for jobs that are recruiting.

Big Data and organizations’ digital transformation strategies

Over the last few years, the rise of Big Data has redefined the business world. Vast volumes of data are valuable resources for organizations in all sectors, and are being exploited to make strategic decisions.

Conversely, companies that do not adopt Data Science risk being overtaken by the competition. Data analysis has therefore become an essential practice for many organizations.

This practice not only requires the use of new technologies, but also the implementation of processes and procedures to ensure the quality of data. the development of a corporate culture. However, many organizations fail to finalize this mutation for become data-driven.

This term describes a company that uses data analysis to guide the development of its business. Such an organization is based on analysis results to make decisions rather than relying on the instincts of its managers or external pressures.

According to New Vantage Partners’ Data and AI Leadership Executive Survey 2022 report, 97% of companies are investing in Data initiatives, but only 47% believe they are competitive in this area. Only 27% claim to have created a data-driven organization.and 19% say they have established a data culture.

It’s precisely what prevents companies from making the most of the data they have. To achieve this, data and analysis must not be the preserve of a handful of technical experts.

To overcome this obstacle, executives and managers must acquire “Data Literacy an ability to understand data science, handle basic analysis techniques, interpret results and collaborate effectively with data scientists.

They must also understand how data analysis, machine learning and AI can help them can impact their organization and business domain. This qualification is essential for harnessing massive data in the context of the business sector, to guide the company’s growth and achieve its goals.

Therefore, the development of Data Science skills has become imperative. To acquire this skill, many executives and managers choose to professional training dedicated to data science or artificial intelligence.

This type of program, compatible with a professional activityThe “Data Science for Business” program teaches how to use algorithms and analysis techniques in the context of the company and its business. Managers can then train in Data Science and obtain a recognized certification. To train employees in Data Science and AI, École Polytechnique Executive Education offers two training courses with professional certification: Data Science Starter Programand Advanced AI for Data Analysis.

Data Science Starter Program: discover data science

The Data Science Starter Program will enable you to learn about methodological tools to exploit data. Prerequisites include programming experience and a basic knowledge of probability and statistics.

The program covers data pre-processing and visualization, analysis and Machine Learning, Deep Learning, databases and Big Data tools.

The curriculum aims to understand and appropriate data scienceunderstand the challenges of Big Data, master data analysis tools and techniques, and discover how to apply them to their professional missions. The aim is also to acquire a sufficient level of understanding to interact with specialists such as Data Scientists in a professional or academic context.

If you have a technical background with programming experience (R, Python or other language) and a grounding in probability and statistics, this program is for you.

At the end of the program, you’ll be able to explain the results of a data analysisdesign and manage the use of data, and supervise the implementation of a data science project.

In addition to lectures, the training includes practical case studies, studies of industry testimonials and researchers, as well as personal work in the form of a project.

You can work on your own project to explore its potential. It’s an opportunity to receive personalized advice and develop your strategy!

This course leads to certification. To obtain this professional certification, you will have to write a thesis on a professional project and defend it in front of a jury.

This certification program, recognized by France Compétences, enables you to benefit from various funding schemes, which can often be combined depending on your profile (CPF, company contribution, regional aid, etc.).

This program covers 140 hours spread over 20 days. The next session will take place from April 7 to July 1, 2023, on the École polytechnique campus in Palaiseau.

Si you would like to know more about this course, don’t miss at information webinar to be held Tuesday, October 18, 2022, at 1pmwith Erwan LE PENNEC, Professor in the Applied Mathematics Department at École polytechnique. To register now, go to this link.

Advanced AI for Data Analysis Program: harnessing AI for data analysis

In addition to an exponential increase in volume, the complexity of data management continues to increase. Every day, vast quantities of unstructured data are generated, such as text, images, audio and video files, and time records.

This content generated by new digital technologies offers new opportunities, but analyzing this data is more difficult. For several years now, new methods of artificial intelligence have emerged to meet this challenge.

Techniques such as Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning make it possible to extract large volumes of information very quickly and to solve complex problems, exploiting high computing power.

In order to learn how to handle these new methods, it is necessary to necessary to go beyond the basics of Data Science. The Advanced AI for Data Analysis programdesigned and offered by École Polytechnique Executive Education, will enable you to become true Big Data specialists. You’ll learn how to collect, model, store and analyze data. The program is taught by the best professors, researchers and recognized experts in the field of AI and industrial data analysis, as well as by professors and lecturers from X.

You are project managers, consultants, data scientists or Data Analyststhis program is for you. Knowledge of data science is required, particularly in algorithms and Machine Learning. Previous experience in NLP, Deep Learning or Graph Mining is also desirable.

Skills in databases, Python programming and mathematics are also required. In addition, modules are taught in English or French, depending on the participants’ profile and course materials are in English.

The aim of the course is to teach you how to use neural networks and Deep Learning. on unstructured Big Data such as text and graphs. By the end of the course, you will have mastered the latest analysis techniques.

You will also have acquired skills in Machine Learning methods, Deep Learning for graphs, text mining problems and natural language analysis. Finally, you will be familiar with AI algorithms to develop online commerce, detect fraud and extract knowledge from the web.

At the end of the course, you will participate in the Data Challenge by applying the techniques covered during the course to solve a case study of an industrial or academic problem. In groups, you will have two days to carry out a complete analysis of the subject.

This course leads to certification. To obtain this professional certification, you will have to write a thesis on a professional project and pass your individual or group defense in front of a jury.

This certification program, recognized by France Compétences, enables you to benefit from various funding schemes, which can often be combined depending on your profile (CPF, company matching, regional aid, etc.).

Training Advanced AI for Data analysis takes place remotely and lasts 77 hours, spread over 11 days. The next session starts on October 21, 2022.

This program will enable you to take on new responsibilities in your organization or become a a recognized Data Science professional .

Why train in Data Science?

Visit ability to acquire new skills and technical expertise is now one of the most important factors in career development.

For good reason, technological innovation is increasingly rapid. Professionals need to keep up with this frenetic pace by learning to handle new tools and techniques. Continuing training throughout one’s career is the best way to achieve this.

Visit professional certification courses offer several major advantages over a traditional university degree, BootCamp or other type of short program.

First of all, they take into account the constraints of salaried employees, and the pace of training is compatible with maintaining a full-time professional activity.

Compared with a BootCamp, a training course leading to certification covers more topics and enables students to acquire a wider variety of Data Science skills: mathematics, statistics, programming, databases, algorithms, visualization…

The various subjects are covered in depth, and practical exercises enable you to apply skills acquired in real-world applications. In this way, programs are generally adapted to the needs of industries and employers.

What’s more, some curricula enable students to obtain professional certification recognized on the job market.

Finally, according to a study conducted by Business Wire, passing a certification is followed by a salary increase of between 20% and 40%.

Why choose École Polytechnique Executive Education?

There is a wide range of vocational training courses, offered by both traditional universities and specialist organizations. However, there are a number of it’s essential to choose a course whose curriculum and teaching methods match your expectations.

École Polytechnique Executive Education is recognized for its scientific excellence and high-impact operational training programs.

The original pedagogical approach the philosophy of the École polytechnique which, since its creation in 1794, has been producing and sharing multi-disciplinary knowledge at the highest level for its students, for companies and for society.

The programs, which are compatible with a professional activity, enable students to obtain recognized certificationand are built by the best experts in the field. They are on hand throughout the course to exchange views with participants.

To sum up, École Polytechnique Executive Education offers high-level professional training in Data Science, enabling students to activate skills linked to disruptive technologies thanks to active pedagogies adapted to professional environments. Discover our full range of training courses BY CLICKING HERE!